Monday, June 18, 2012

Avenue of the Giants, California

South view of Avenue of the Giants
as you can see, at the bottom center of picture is double yellow lines, where I stood for taking the picutures.

A view of the sky in the redwoods on the Avenuw of the Giants.
All the pictures were taken on June 14, 2012.
one of fallen angels in the Redwoods

Drive Thru Trees & Redwoods, California

Chandelier, Drive Thru Tree, Legget, Califorina
Drive Thru Tree, Shrine, Philipsvile, Highway 101, California
It it not a drive thru tree, but a huge one across the Visitors' Center, the Avenue of the Giants, Humboldt county, California.

My Daily walking

I start walking every morning and evening around the trail of Candlestick Point Park, San Francisco, California.